Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Its been awhile since my last update. im currently back in my hometown.. life is good, home sweet home..exams over..and if im able to go through both papers, i would be oficially a fresh graduate.. July 8th, im hoping for a great news.. yeah..

SM Class Photo

SM class taken by Lousy Photographer with Good Handphone, yet
Lousy quality picture, Mr. Frog Ko

IM class-total number of students in the class were 14, yet normally there were only 8students attending, and the 6students who were absent arent those who always skip.. but we take turn and unintentionally making the attendance % constant hhaa..

action ajak budak-budak ni...

These two are my best group members for both units.. thanks a lot for everything..i don wanna see you guys again in class, hhaa we meet during convo next year..

In-campus life was great this sem, but still cant beat with summer 2008, where i did it together with my 8po Lau.. that was the best sem ever.. both in and out-campus. too bad i don have any pictures of it..
Im done with this stage of my life, got to clear all the history, the bad part of it, and all the shits that happened..but those shits taught me lotz, it grew me up..; the sweet part would always remain in my heart forever..
I haven ready for the next stage yet.. relax and rest for awhile.. as chinese said "resting is preparing for another longer journey", thats why im resting.. hhaa

1 comment:

J said...

bringing LUCKS to you on 8th july ms si!!! rest and enjoy 99!!!