自从两年半以前,我考完最后一张试卷以后,从此就告别了梦幻的世界。踏入的是,残酷,现实的社会。现实里,你很多时候得自己做选择,而且,选择不再只是简单的,挑选上课时间,逃不逃课,去哪吃饭,打不打mamaji 等等等等。。现实里,你得为你的选择,承担一切的后果。好的坏的,你都得接受。万一做错了选择,没有人会帮你承担,没有人会理你,总之,一切后果自负。有句话说,Before sex, you undress each other. After sex, you only dress yourself. Moral of the story: No one helps you once you're fucked. 很赞吧!
昨天,有个男人告诉我,“你选的啊,所以你需要承担” 。我愣了,也冷了。但还不愿意醒来。原来,我以为怎样都会有个人可以和我一起分担,但其实,我错了。根本没有人会为我负上任何责任。我却傻傻的以为自己其实也没有想象的孤独,至少会有个人在吧。但其实我错了。我终于领悟到,无论感情,工作,还是生活上大大小小,每一件事情,我。。都得为自己负责。
Hey wanggek! How are you doing? Jiayou! Nothing will go amy worse because we are still alive and we have chances to try again. May the Lord grace you in this matter:)
apphia, im fine.. thanks.. just that life isnt as easy as previously. but guess thats our choice of making it complicated tho.. =D
where are you currently? thanks for following my blog.. maybe you are the only reader hhaa.. thanks a lot.. you take care too..
Hehe maybe life was easy because we were simple before. It is not easy to be as simple as before because once we started to see the true nature of society. But yeah, I know you always pandai one! You can do it!:)
I'm still at Perth. Just finished my study. Finally. Hehe. Im going back to Malaysia but just for two weeks because I have something to sort out after. But I will surely love to catch up with you if I happen to have longer holiday.
Good to follow your blog. But I am sad to see its getting negative. You are si Wang gek! The first tauke niong I know after uni and I'm proud of you! Hehe. Oh well I hope you don't mind that I am so free to read your blog all whenever I check on blogs. I hope you are doing well. Hope to hear from you again.
I will start to remember you in prayer. Hehe I know prayer doesn't mean God will bless us materially but we can enjoy or even feel His presence. :) Jiayou!
Hey sorry if what I wrote doesn't make sense. I was using other device so it wasn't easy. But I guess you can get what I was trying to say. Hehe
=) funny you apphia..sorry what.. so great eh got ppl care bout me.. so thankful that got someone tehre to read hhaa.. yeah.. my blog kinda negative, cos its somewhere i express my sadness.. but im alright after all, no worry ..like you say, im Si wang gek eh.. hhaa.. the tough wanggek, who can always stand strong and get thro whatever shitty thingy that comes towards her.. =D
btw, congratz , convo next year? all the best in your future undertaking.. hope you keep ur optimistic attitude with you, you need that so much in society.. =) take care ..
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